Prior to processing account transactions, you must first add and verify a new credit card to your account. This ensures a secure method of payment and is designed to prevent fraudulent activities. The following instructions walk you through how to add and verify a new credit card to your account:
1. Hover over the 'Billing' umbrella on your Dashboard. Select 'Credit cards' from the submenu that appears (view visual above for further reference).
2. Below is a visual of the page you will be directed to. Select/click on the 'add credit card' icon located on the upper right hand corner of the 'Credit cards' panel (circled in red in visual below).
3. Select the 'add credit card' icon. This redirects you to the 'New Credit Card' page where you will input as well as select the following key information:
Credit Card Checklist
Activation Status: The activation status determines whether or not the credit card can be used to make payments. If the status of the credit card is active, then the switch (or toggle button) is green. If you would like the status to be inactive, then turn the switch (or toggle button) to grey.
Priority: If you have or are planning to have more than one credit associated with an account, you have the option of ranking the priority of each credit card as either low, medium or high. The priority status of a credit card is defaulted to 'High.'
'First Name' and 'Last Name' fields: Input the first name and the last name associated with / printed on the credit card. If this is a business credit card, enter the business name in the 'First Name' field.
'Address' and 'Address 2' fields: In the 'Address' field, list the street address where the credit card statements are mailed or the street address that is associated with the credit card. The 'Address 2' field is optional. Input unit or suite numbers (if any) in the 'Address 2' field.
'Country' drop down menu: Select the country abbreviations that are associated with the credit card that is being placed on file (e.g.the country abbreviation for United States is 'US'). The drop down menu also has an embedded search bar which you can use to narrow or filter your results.
'City,' 'State/province,' and 'Postal code' fields: Input the 'City,' 'State/province,' and 'Postal code' of the billing address that is associated with the credit card. Make sure to use the 'State/province' abbreviation (e.g. 'Colorado' is CO).
'Email,' 'Dayphone' and 'Evening phone' fields: List the contact information that you would like associated with any inquiries regarding the credit card. The 'Evening phone' field is optional. Verify that you input the correct email address (e.g. [email protected]) as inputting the incorrect/inaccurate email address does not result in any errors.
'Card type' field: 'Card type' is the type or brand of credit card being entered. Currently, accepted/supported methods of credit card payment are Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover.
'Card number' field: Enter the fifteen or sixteen digit credit card number as displayed on the card. Depending on your method of payment, the card number will be displayed either on the back or the front of the credit card.
'Expiration month' and 'Expiration year' drop down menu: Select the expression month displayed on the credit card (e.g. January) and the expiration year (e.g. 2020).
Instructions for Verifying Credit Card
After submitting the new credit card form, the system automatically makes an authorization charge between $1.00 to $2.00 on your credit card. Log in or check your bank statement for the verification amount. The record of the authorization charge will be displayed as 'Telecommunication Service.' Since this is an authorization-only charge, the verification charge may be displayed in the 'Holds' or 'Pending' section of your online banking account. You will then enter this amount on the credit card verification page. There are two primary methods you can perform to access the verify your credit card page:
1. Verify credit card via home page: Go to the home page. This can be accessed by either selecting the dashboard home icon or selecting the balance displayed in the green rectangular icon/button in the horizontal menu bar on the top right hand corner
2. Verify credit card via 'Credit cards' page: Access the 'Credit cards' page by hovering over the 'Billing' umbrella (located on the vertical menu navigation bar) and select 'Credit cards' in the submenu options. Locate the credit card by searching for the 'Name'; name format is the type of credit card (e.g. Mastercard) and the last four of the credit card. Select the edit icon. You will be directed to the authorization page (visual below).
In addition to verifying your credit card, the verify credit card page allows you to make a few modifications.
- Active status (toggle button): You are able to change the credit card status from active to inactive
- Priority drop down menu: While your credit card is defaulted to 'High' priority, you do have the option to alter the priority status of the new credit card to either 'Medium or 'Low.'
The 'Verify Card' section requests you to enter the authorization amount displayed in your online banking account as a 'Telecommunication Service' charge. After you enter the authorization amount, select the check mark icon. In order to confirm that your credit card has been saved successfully, go to the 'Credit cards' page. Your newly added credit card will be displayed in the credit card table.
Credit Card Table
The following actions can be performed within the credit card table :
- Search bar: If you have more than one credit card listed in the credit card table, the search bar enables you to filter your results and locate the specific credit within the records.
- Edit: Selecting the edit icon redirects you to the respective credit card's edit form and enables you to edit the priority status of the credit card as well as changing the status of the credit card to active or inactive.
- Delete: The delete icon enables you to permanently remove the credit card from the 'Credit cards' table. After selecting the delete icon, a verification message appears requesting you to confirm the delete action. You must select/click the delete button in order to permanently remove the credit card from the account records. The delete action cannot be undone.
The following information is provided within the credit card table:
- Name of credit card: Provides name of credit card as notated when filling out the new credit card form
- Active status: Notates whether or not the credit card is active (will be notated as true) or inactive (will be notated as false).
- Priority: Priority of a credit card will be notated numerically. A high status is notated as '100', a medium status is notated as '50' and a low status is notated as '0' in the credit card table.